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Product Description

Is a herbal preparation based on an ancient Ayurvedic formula. It is an ideal quick relief for infants and children suffering from stomach aches, bowel disorders and pains due to acidity and flatulence.


  • Asamodagam Arka’s mild soothing action will give immediate relief for infants who bring out milk due to errors of feeding and during the period of teething.


Babies up to 1 month half a teaspoon with water or with mother’s milk.
1 to 6 months – one teaspoon (5ml) in one teaspoon of water.
6 months to 2 years - two teaspoons with two teaspoons of water.
Over 2 years two teaspoons three times a day.
Adults – As a mild and antacid – Three teaspoons, four times a day.


Trachyspermum roxburghianum

Asamodagam - 350ML

SKU: 4792172004301
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